Collective Wiki

Sorry, Sorry, there was a bit of a situation at the outerwall and I needed to aid the perimeter guard. No it’s not a need for concern just a few mindless machines and data zombies nothing that couldn’t be handled, Cough Cough, oh right no lungs. So let’s get to today's guest lecture shall we? For those who are joining us for the first time my name is Neugierig, proud historian, masterful lich, and New Mort Stahl resident. Today's topic is the state of our atmosphere, or rather the lack thereof.

To explain how we came to such current events we must first learn about planetary poles. The planet has two very strong magnetic poles on opposite sides of the planet allowing for a magnetic barrier of sorts that can keep out a large percentage of the sun's harmful and radioactive rays. The once prevalent atmosphere also helped mitigate these rays of radiation by acting as a filter of sorts allowing for life to live on without becoming highly cancerous and or burned alive. Now the thing about poles is, they move, usually at a relatively slow pace with the moving core of the planet at around 60 or 70 kilometers an annual cycle. Now the areas where the poles shift are usually the most susceptible to auroras and radiation so what happens when a drastic and speed up shift occurs. What if instead of 70 kilometers in a year, the poles shifted a whole 40,000 Km instead? Around the whole planet losing its magnetic field causing destruction of many of our less prepared machines and frying the majority of life. Let's also consider that the atmosphere that was being held by such gravitational poles is now not as easily held to the planet causing a large chunk of it to float off into space before the planet could come back to a more hospitable equilibrium. Well when a situation like that occurs you end up with a planet such as Mort Stahl. All life being forced over the period of a year into an inhospitable living condition completely destroying it and leaving nothing behind besides those who do not need to mind things like radiation and low to nill air levels to survive.

I do hope this gave a decent enough explanation on how our planet came to its current state to all of you who didn’t quite understand what was going on during the apocalyptic times, and so now I will take my leave. I know this time it was shorter but there really are many things that need my attention today so I ask for your forgiveness. Bye for now.
