Collective Wiki
UPDATE (2020-09-04): To clear up the table chart at the end of this page, it has been updated to match the card pool in rotation - legacy card pool is ignored for it. Note that regardless of this, there some legacy cards are still used as examples on this page.

Affinity identities are the pre-established mechanical repertoire each affinity has gained access to over the weeks. The precedent is all the cards that have made it in-game. Hero powers/rewards are generally ignored as far as affinity identities go.

While there are effects that are exclusively of a single affinity, many fall under what affinity doesn't have access to the effect. Sometimes cards which feature effects that don't fit into any single affinity are made as Neutrals. For example, designs that have or give a very high number / random keywords would be these such as Everything Bread and Psychedelic Sheep.

Effect categories[ | ]

Effect identity categorization levels[ | ]

Order in appearance rates is ascending; Primary > Secondary > Tertiary > Exceptionally

New category "All" has been added for effects which have no particular affinity relation.

Primary[ | ]

Most often cards with these effects are in this affinity. Sometimes an effect is so ill-defined in terms of affinity identity that it has no primary (or even secondary). Generally speaking, this probably means that there are less than 5 or so cards with the said effect (in any one affinity).

Secondary[ | ]

Competes with the primary affinity in effect usage. It might be debatable whether this affinity is the primary one for the effect (in the case of "Flying" for example).

Tertiary[ | ]

Effect infrequently appears in cards of this affinity. They are somewhat of an anomaly or perhaps mostly unexplored design space. For example, certain tribes might have mechanical identities that slightly deviate from the affinity's identity in relation to an effect in general. Might at times partially merge into the "Exceptionally" category.

Exceptionally[ | ]

There are one or two exceptional cards in the affinity that feature this effect. They tend to be unique corner-cases (Vineyard of Desolation, Mafuta the Massive, Devourer of Worlds, etc).

?: Question mark[ | ]

A "?" marker after an affinity identifier means that there are not enough cards of an effect in the card pool to determine its affinity preferences. For example, a category marked with "Mind?" as primary and nothing else means that there's likely only a single card with an effect in the card pool. Alternatively, if no cards with an effect exist, the marker is used as a guest/suggestion based on effect's previous relation to affinities.

Affinity identity table (last updated 2021-06-07)[ | ]

Effect category Primary Secondary Tertiary Exceptionally
Force enemy attack Strength Spirit
Leap All
Untargetable Neutral All?
Unblockable Mind Neutral
Frenzy Mind Strength
Lifebond Strength Spirit
Agile Mind Spirit Strength
Card draw: General All
Card draw: Cantrips All
Card draw: Targeted All
Scour Strength Neutral
Ambush Spirit Mind Neutral Strength
Flying Strength Mind Spirit Neutral
Deadly Spirit Mind Neutral
Mana bursts Mind Neutral
Action cost reduction Mind Spirit
Action recursion Spirit?
Unit recursion Spirit Strength Mind
General cost reduction All?
Passive mana gain Spirit?
Regenerate Spirit Strength
Unit healing Spirit
Cost increase Mind Strength Spirit
Hero healing Spirit Neutral
Ward Mind Strength Neutral Spirit
Sacrifice Strength Spirit
Max Mana loss Strength Mind
Max Mana gain Spirit Neutral
Unit copying Spirit Mind Strength Neutral
Stat buffs in play Strength Spirit Neutral
Stat buffs in hand Mind?
Stat buffs in grave Spirit?
Herald Strength Spirit Neutral
Duelist Strength Spirit
Entomb Spirit Strength Neutral Mind
Self-discard Spirit Neutral Mind
Self-mill Spirit Mind
Enemy-mill Spirit? Mind?
Hero self-damage Strength
Enemy-discard Spirit Mind
EXP gain Spirit Strength Mind
Exhausting Mind Strength
Summon All
Innate All?
Overrun Strength All
Rebound actions Spirit Strength Mind
Rebound units Spirit Strength Mind Neutral
Blinking Mind
Enemy-silence Mind Spirit
Bounce Mind?
Food Spirit Mind Strength Neutral
Zone (moving) synergy Mind?
Counterspells Mind
Unit creation All
Action creation Mind Strength Neutral Spirit
Unit burn All
Hero burn Mind Strength Neutral Spirit
Unit replacement Spirit?
Spot (hard) removal Strength Neutral
Mass hard removal Spirit?
Mass soft removal All?
ATK debuffs in play Spirit? Strength?
HP debuffs in play Mind?
Effect category Primary Secondary Tertiary Exceptionally

Affinity identity table (last updated 2020-09-09)[ | ]

Affinity identity history[ | ]

Keyword Identity
Mechanics Identity
Unit Interaction Identity

A poll was conducted in the past relating to Affinity identities:

Alpha affinity identity charts (outdated)[ | ]

These charts were made in accordance to the thoughts of alpha players earlier in Collective's history. They are generally what certain sections of the playerbase saw what mechanic affiliations the affinities should have. Many of their ideas can still be seen to this day in the current affinity identities as well as Tribal Identities and their corresponding deck types.

The devs of Collective later on demanded them to be marked as unofficial - possibly due to their controversial nature.

The charts are outdated and never precisely represented what the actual card pool implied the affinity identities to be. The new affinity identity tables now fulfill their purpose by being much more flexible and having been constructed and updated directly in accordance to the (standard) card pool.
